Jobportal | Vabad töökohad

Frequently asked questions
by employers

On this page you will find employers’ frequently asked questions about the Jobportal job search site. If you cannot find the answer to your question or would like more information, the best way to contact us is to send an email to or call +372 6814 447.

Submitting a job advertisement

You can post a job advertisement for free by registering as an employer or by logging in if you already have an employer account. When you register, you will be asked for your name, email address and to create a password. We recommend that you choose a work email address. Registration does not bind you to anything. Register as an employer here.


After registering, you will need to fill in your company details. Add your logo and company profile to your company profile. For the job advertisement, you will need the details of the position, the text of the advertisement, a cover photo and the URL where you would like to receive applications (*optional).

For Jobportal, we search for advertisements from open public sources, such as the TE services. The job advertisement will show if the source is TE Services and therefore the application will also be directed to the address indicated on the TE Services website. We will automatically create an account for you in our service once we have retrieved the job advertisement from an open source. You can use your ID to edit the job advertisement, for example its content, appearance or where incoming applications are directed. If no changes are made, applications will always be automatically forwarded to the address you entered on the TE Service website when you submitted your job advertisement. When you receive applications for your ad on the Jobportal, we will notify you by e-mail. We recommend that you change your password on first login. If you have any questions, please contact us via chat or contact customer service.


I didn’t get a new password
We will send your new password to the email address you enter in the ‘Lost your password?’ Reset it here’ field on the login page. If necessary, you can contact customer service.


Deleting an account

If you want to delete an account created for you, please contact customer service.

To publish a job advertisement, you must first login as an employer. If you are logging in for the first time after registration, you will need to fill in your company details in the ‘My information’ section. Add your company name, the name and email of the recruiter, company phone number, logo, business ID and address. You can also add the company’s web address and a company profile. This information will be displayed at the end of your job advertisement. If the job is posted from an open source, some of your company information will already be filled in.

Sharing an account with another person

You can share your company profile with important people by adding their name and email in the ‘personal details’ section. The added users will receive an email address with an ID to log in. These people will also receive the same emails as the profile creator and see everything the profile creator sees. When you remove a user from the list, they will not be able to log in to their profile with the credentials they previously received. You can add the same user again after deletion. They will then be sent new credentials to log in with.

Note: You cannot add a user who is already registered as a jobseeker on Jobportal to your employer profile.

Reactivation of the job advertisement

As you can see in the above screenshot, the system also stores expired published job advertisements. You can go back to old job advertisements and view their statistics. You can also reactivate your old job advertisement. You can find your old job advertisements under ‘inactive’. If you have previously purchased a campaign package for an advert that you want to reactivate – you can activate it without worry, you will not be charged for reactivation. If you want to reactivate a campaign package for that ad, you can do so by clicking ‘Buy a campaign package’ in the ad after activation.

I can’t post a job

If you receive an error message when posting a job, please contact customer service. We will always resolve problems as soon as possible and be in touch with you.

You can edit a job advertisement by logging in with your login and selecting the ‘Open’ button. At the top and bottom of the advertisement you will find the ‘Edit’ button. Remember to save your edits to the advertisement by clicking ‘Publish’ at the end of the advertisement. You can preview the notification before publishing it.


If you want to delete a job advertisement, you must log in and select ‘Delete’ under the job advertisement.

You can add multiple companies under the same username. You can change the company from the left-hand side of the page and create completely custom job ads and campaigns for different companies. You can submit a new job advertisement by pressing ‘post job’ or ‘create a new job post’ and filling in the details in the form.

You will find the applications received from your company profile in the job advertisement. You will be notified by email when you have received new applications to the advertisement. Jobportal allows you to communicate directly with the applicant and easily carry out the following steps of the recruitment process

You can log in to your company profile by entering the email and password you used to create it. If, on the other hand, you have received an email from us stating that your job is published on Jobportal, you can log in with the credentials provided in this email. We recommend that you always change your password on first login. You can find expired job advertisements in your profile, under ‘inactive’. You can reactivate them.


You cannot use the same email to register as an employer and as a jobseeker. If you can’t login to your profile, please contact our customer service by email, chat or phone.

Submitting a job advertisement on Jobportal is currently the cheapest and perhaps the easiest solution on the market to reach jobseekers. Thousands of people already visit our job search site every month. Our visitor numbers are growing all the time and new jobseekers are registering every day.


  • Get your applications in one place, where it’s easy to compare applicants.
  • Possibility to arrange candidates according to their suitability for the job.
  • The possibility to leave notes on the candidate for other people involved in the recruitment process.
  • You can invite other members of the recruitment team to join you in the recruitment process.
  • You can easily keep in touch with the applicant about the progress of the recruitment through the ATS system.

If you want to make sure your advertisement reaches the right target audience, our campaign packages will ensure it does. Professional targeted recruitment advertising guarantees visibility for your ad. The campaign also ensures that your job advertisement is seen where potential jobseekers spend their time.


  • Reach more applicants and boost your employer image on social media.
  • Manage jobseekers and create a positive jobseeker experience for them.
  • Our services are ideal for your first recruitment. 

Campaign packages

You can promote your job ad on the Jobportal and social media by purchasing a campaign package. Jobportal currently has four different paid campaign packages to meet your company’s recruitment needs. For more information on the campaign packages, click on here.


The campaign package uses illustrations from Jobportal. Currently, customers’ own branded imagery cannot be used in marketing. However, we recommend that you add your company logo and any promotional images to the job advertisement. You can also add distinctive features to your advertisement by using different text formatting.

Campaigns take the job opening to where the applicant is. Visibility on applicants’ smart devices and social media can attract even more passive job seekers. Passive jobseekers are those who are ready to change jobs but are not actively looking for a new one or are focused on specific companies and their openings.


Not all companies want to buy recruitment services to support their recruitment because it is expensive. They also want to invest in recruiting their first employee, but not necessarily thousands of euros. Jobportal was created to fill this gap. We want to offer the smaller players in the market the opportunity to successfully recruit and find a new employee. We offer employers affordable campaign packages to increase the visibility of their advertisement. By advertising a job on Jobportal, we can reach active job seekers through recruitment channels, email and targeted social media.


The most profitable campaign package for reaching out to jobseekers is Social media star. The job ad will appear on the front page, first in search results and targeted on social media for €50 or the amount you set. The advertising will be carried out by a professional Marketing Agency Mediaspark.

  • Because the best candidates may not be actively looking for a new job, but are still open to new opportunities.
  • Targeted digital advertising is a fraction of the cost of a recruitment agency.
  • Marketing agency is responsible for the effective distribution of the ad on social media to the target audience.
  • The marketing agency has up-to-date expertise in the rapidly changing digital world.

Did you know that advertising your job search on social media is restricted by discriminatory practices? Those who have done ad targeting already know how poor targeting can ruin the results of an entire campaign. A bad recruitment campaign can negatively impact other campaigns your company runs that are being handled from the same advertising account. We don’t want this for you and therefore encourage you to use sites already identified as job search sites for job advertising on social media. Sites that are already identified as being associated with job search on social media, such as Jobportal, will reach users better.


On average, a job advertisement with a Social media star campaign bought without any additional money gets 250 reads. This is influenced by factors such as the vacancy itself, the popularity of the sector and the employer image of the company. For the most popular sectors, the Social media star campaign without additional money has an average of 450 reads.

вкл. 50 € маркетингового